Album: Pair of Floral Still Life Paintings
George Clare (British, 1835 - 1890)
Size: 9 items
Views: 6835
Album: William Trost Richards (American, 1833 - 1905)
Pair of Framed Watercolors, 1867
Size: 7 items
Views: 6084
Album: GEORGE HERBERT McCORD (American, 1848-1909) Pastel
Framed behind glass in a handsome gilt, carved, gessoed French Rococo style frame
Size: 10 items
Views: 1991
Album: "SOLITUDE" (Peck's Beach, New Jersey)
Edith Loring Peirce (Getchell), American, 1855-1940
Album: ENOCH WOOD PERRY (1831 - 1915) Genre Painter of the American South, and Portraitist of the Confederacy
Girl with Berries, 1859
Size: 2 items
Views: 5432
Album: A Young Beauty, with blue hairband in Grecian coiffure
Watercolor Miniature on Ivory, circa 1790, in cut-steel frame
Album: PALACE GREEN, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, photographed in 1935
F.S. Lincoln, photographer (1894-1976)
Size: 3 items
Views: 3111
Album: WREN BUILDING CHAPEL (Interior), College of William & Mary, Colonial Williamsburg
F.S. Lincoln, photographer (1894-1976)
Size: 3 items
Views: 3000
Album: AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR Soldiers Burying Ground, Colonial Williamsburg, photographed in 1935
F.S. Lincoln, photographer (1894-1976)
Size: 3 items
Views: 3142
Album: FORMAL GARDEN, GOVERNOR'S PALACE, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, photographed in 1935
F.S. Lincoln, official photographer to the Colonial Williamsburg restoration
Size: 3 items
Views: 2832
Album: GASPARD LATOIX, 1892, New Jersey Pasture
Click image for more views & information
Size: 3 items
Views: 5408
Album: PHILIP REISMAN. American, 1904-92.
PARK ROW PLAYGROUND (New York City, 1966)
Size: 6 items
Views: 2339
Album: SCIRROCO 1977
Patricia Glee Smith (American-Italian, contemporary)
Size: 6 items
Views: 4216
Album: NAPLES BAY, with Vesuvius
19th century oil on canvas, in period frame
Size: 4 items
Views: 5385
Album: ANATOMY LESSON (original ink, a circa 1915 reworking after Rembrandt)
Francis Moylen Fitts
Size: 7 items
Views: 3514
Album: H.M.S. MONARCH. (((( Clear for Action ))))
Watercolor & Ink, the coast of Martinique
Size: 6 items
Views: 6903
Album: LUDWIG IX, Crown Prince of Hesse Darmstadt
"Louis prince de le 15 xbre 1709"
Size: 12 items
Views: 6749
Album: MADURA, 1916 (Oldest city in Tamil Nadu, Southern India; renamed MADURAI in 1949)
CHARLES W. BARTLETT (American/Hawaiian, 1860 - 1940)
Size: 5 items
Views: 4521